About Us
For +15 years at Turistik® We operate memorable tourism, entertainment and personalized transportation experiences in Santiago de Chile and surrounding areas.

We are Touristy

Because we care about you, we know that hospitality, security, comfort and trust They are essential for both Chileans and our foreign visitors.
We have the only Hop-On Hop Off service in Chile, we offer unique excursions in the mountains, coast and Chilean vineyards and endless tickets for the main entertainment attractions, thanks to our extensive network of partners and resellers throughout the country.
Likewise, we operate the concession of the Santiago Cable Car, Parque Aventura, Fleet of open Panoramic Buses and Santiago Funicular, located in Cerro San Cristóbal (Metropolitan Park), the fourth largest urban park in the world and recognized as the Number 1 Attraction in Chile. according to Tripadvisor.